Nuclear in a changing world

26 June 2019 Bucharest, Romania

Gerassimos Thomas

Deputy Director-General for Energy – European Commission

Gerassimos Thomas is Deputy Director General in the Directorate-General for Energy at the European Commission. He has direct responsibility for Euratom matters and is member of ENSREG, a member of the ITER Council and of the F4E Governing Board. In addition, he is the Chairman of the Steering Board of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI).

Prior to his current assignment G. Thomas had professional assignments as: Director Finance at DG ECFIN; member of the EIB and EIF Board of Directors; Head of cabinet of Joaquin Almunia, Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs; Deputy Spokesman for Commission President Romano Prodi; Spokesman for economic and monetary affairs under Commissioner Pedro Solbes.




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